
FY24/25 HUD NOFO Grant Funding Opportunity

The Capital Region Housing Collaborative (CRHC), the designated Continuum of Care (CoC) to prevent and end homelessness in Lansing/East Lansing-Ingham County, is announcing its local competition for HUD homeless assistance services funding available under the FY 2024 and FY 2025 CoC Competition Program Grants.  


Application Materials & Information :

HUD NOFO FY 2024 – 2025 Announcement Letter – Including Availability of BONUS FUNDS for NEW PROJECTS!

Grant Inventory Worksheet for Renewal and Reallocation Projects

Timeline for Community Competition

Local Application DUE to CoC by September 30, 2024 – CRHC Grant Application

Application for Scoring Rubric

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition and Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Grants Document

Additional Resources:

CoC Program Competition Page | / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)


These are the programs approved by the CoC Board, with amounts to be submitted along with HUD application:

  • Advent House Ministries – Hope Housing Expansion – PSH – $295,522
  • Advent House Ministries – Permanent Housing for Families – PSH – $83,127
  • Advent House Ministries – Fresh Start – RRH – $379,733
  • Advent House Ministries – Coordinated Entry – $207,128
  • Child and Family Charities – RRH for Youth – Joint TH & PH-RRH Project – $193,501
  • Child and Family Charities – Transitions PSH for Youth – $159,434
  • Haven House – HMIS 1 – HMIS – $40,121
  • Lansing Housing Commission – Shelter Plus Care – PSH – $393,060
  • Lansing Housing Commission – PSH 2 – PSH – $840,217
  • Lansing Housing Commission – PSH – Bonus Program – $214,491

FY24/25 MSHDA ESG Funding Grant Opportunity

The Capital Region Housing Collaborative Continuum of Care (CRHC-CoC) Announces A Funding Opportunity for FY24-25 MSHDA ESG grant activities for Ingham County.

The HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) provides funding to public and non-profit agencies for homeless emergency shelter, both operations and essential services related to operating shelters, street outreach to people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, and homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance. For FY24-25, this is a re-advertisement for the Street Outreach funds for the  Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). Street Outreach is an essential service necessary to reach out to unsheltered homeless individuals and families, including youth and connect them with emergency shelter, housing or critical services and provide them with urgent non-facility-based care.

The application and budget documents are available on the CRHC website and the City of Lansing website at

Friday, July 12, 2024 by 12:00 pm (Noon) – Application Due to the CRHC Coordinator at  Please see the Application timeline posted on the CRHC website for ALL relevant deadlines.

Applicants for MSHDA ESG funds must complete the ESG application and complete the MSHDA budget form. MSHDA Program Activities and Allocations for the period of October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025 are estimated below based on CoC Board approval on 3/26/24. (Allocations subject to change upon release of the MSHDA NOFO scheduled for early June, to be reviewed and finalized by the CoC Board.)

Street Outreach – $21,650 (4%)

Total Estimated MSHDA allocation$541,250


For additional information, please contact Doris Witherspoon, City of Lansing EDP Department,, 517.483.4063 or Toni Young, City of Lansing,

HRCS Department – or 517.483.4477.

Application Materials & Information :

FY24/25 MSHDA ESG Funding Notice – Street Outreach

FY24/25 MSHDA ESG Grant Application – Street Outreach

FY24/25 MSHDA ESG Grant Timeline – Street Outreach

FY24/25 MSHDA ESG Grant Budget Template – Street Outreach

2024 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Grant Funding Opportunity

The Capital Region Housing Collaborative, also known as MI-508 Lansing, East Lansing/Ingham County Continuum of Care, in collaboration with the Youth Action Council was awarded $1,955,191 in Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) funding during HUD’s seventh round of YHDP competitions. YHDP is a demonstration initiative designed to support communities in the work to prevent and end youth homelessness through the development of a strategic plan and project funding dedicated to assist youth and young adults to obtain and maintain permanent housing. We are now seeking project proposals from Ingham County providers of housing and supportive services to operate the projects designed through the coordinated community planning process. There are three eligible project types being funded through this procurement process:

  • Housing and Systems Navigation
  • Joint Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing
  • Permanent Supportive Housing

An information session will be held on Friday May 10th from 10:30am-12:00pm. You may join by clicking the Zoom link here at the meeting time.

Questions about the application may be submitted to the CoC’s HUD-funded technical assistance providers at until 5pm on Friday May 24th. They will not provide individual responses to questions – instead they will post all questions and responses publicly at the document found here.

Applications must be submitted to and are due no later than 5pm on Tuesday May 28th.

Application Materials & Information :

Ingham County YHDP Request for Proposal

Ingham County YHDP Project Application

Ingham County YHDP Evaluation and Scoring Criteria

Ingham County YHDP Procurement Timeline

RFP Information Session Recording

Information Session Recording Passcode: zSbW53^!

FY24/25 HUD ESG & MSHDA ESG Grant Funding Opportunity

The Capital Region Housing Collaborative Continuum of Care (CRHC-CoC) announces a Funding Opportunity for FY24-25 HUD ESG & MSHDA ESG grant activities for Ingham County.

The HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) provides funding to public and non-profit agencies for homeless emergency shelter, both operations and essential services related to operating shelters, street outreach to people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, and homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance.

For FY24-25, these two applications are merged into ONE application for both City and MSHDA ESG funding for the Ingham County CoC. If applying for funds from both sources, only one application and two budgets will be required, one for each entity. The application and budget documents are available below.

Wednesday, April 10th by 5:00 pm – Submit Letter of Intent to Apply to the CRHC Coordinator at

Wednesday, April 17th by 12:00 pm (Noon) – Application Due to the CRHC Coordinator at

Application Materials:

FY24/25 ESG Funding Opportunity Public Notice

FY24/25 Revised ESG Grant Timeline

FY24/25 ESG Funding Grant Application

FY24/25 ESG Funding Budget Template

FY24/25 Conflict of Interest Form

FY24/25 Grant Applicant Informational Presentation

Supplemental Information:

HUD ESG Fact Sheet

HUD ESG Program Regulations


HUD VAWA Letter 2023

FY2023 Announcement of Funding Opportunity 24-25 HUD NOFO

Using the links below you can access materials related to the 2023 HUD NOFO. The CRHC board of directors approved application is located below for review by members of the public. Any questions or comments on the materials below, including comments on the CRHC board approved application, should be e-Mailed to:

2023 HUD NOFO – CRHC Board Approved Application

2023 HUD NOFO – CRHC Board Approved Rankings

FY 2023 CRHC Schedule/timeline

FY 2023 Local Application for HUD 24-25 NOFO

FY 2023 Local Application- Score Sheet

FY 2023 GIW

23-24 ESG Public Announcement

23-24 City MSHDA ESG Grant Timeline

23-24 City MSHDA ESG Grant Application

FY 2022 CRHC Announcement of Funding Opportunity – 8-16-22 FINAL

2022 NOFO Schedule FINAL

CRHC 2021 System Performance Measures (1)

CRHC 2021 Core Demographic Report

FY 2022 MI-508 GIW w-required match

2022 Ranking score sheet & Instructions_2022 Update

ESG Funding Opportunity  – April 5, 2021

The HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) provides funding to public and non-profit agencies for homeless emergency shelter, essential services related to operating shelters, street outreach to homeless persons, and homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance. For FY21-22, these two applications have been merged into ONE application for both City and MSHDA ESG funding for the Ingham County CoC. Two budgets will be required, one for each entity. The application and budget documents will be available on the CRHC website on 4/7/21 at:

Applications will be due Tuesday, April 20th by 5:00 p.m. Please see the Application timeline for all relevant deadlines posted on the CRHC website.

21-22 Public Announcement ESG funds (1)

Timeline – CRHC ESG-MSHDA app_21-22FINAL

CRHC Grant Application- City-MSHDA ESG 2021-2022 (2)

CRHC 21-22 budget CTY and MSHDA ESG (1)

CRHC ESG app scoring summary 2021

Background information on this funding opportunity may be found at the MSHDA Website at:,4641,7-141-5515-241719–,00.html

December 14, 2020

ESG-CV funding priorities-Rnd 2

December 8, 2020

Round 2 of COVID Relief Funding Documents

Timeline – CRHC MSHDA II Award-CV app process (2)


ESG Eligible Expense Quick Reference Sheet (2)

CRHC CTY ESG-CV and MSHDA ESG-CV Shlter Grant App BUDGETCRHC ESG-CV Application memo 12.07.20 (1)

CRHC 2019-20_ESG-CV Rnd 2 MSHDA_NOFA_grant_application (2)

ESG Eligible Expense Quick Reference Sheet (1)

CoC NOFA_CARES ACT grants announcement_12.4.2020(link update) (1)



The Capital Region Housing Collaborative is seeking a new sub-recipient for the Joint TH-RRH program serving people with substance use disorders (SUD). Applications will be due Friday, August 21, by noon. Information meeting to be held Thursday, August 13 at 10:00 a.m. Please contact Meaghan Redd at for further information and paperwork.

2020 MSHDA public announce
Timeline – CRHC MSHDA applications

Timeline – CRHC MSHDA II Award-CV app process (2)
CRHC ESG-CV Application memo
CRHC CTY ESG-CV and MSHDA ESG-CV Shelter Grant App BUDGETCRHC 2019-20_ESG-CV MSHDA_NOFA_grant_application
Background information on this funding opportunity may be found at the MSHDA Website at:,4641,7-141-5515-241719–,00.html


City of Lansing ESG-CV and MSHDA ESG-CV

The Capital Region Housing Collaborative Continuum of Care (CRHC-CoC) announces the local Ingham County funding application process for two COVID-19 grants – City of Lansing Emergency Solutions Grant-COVID (ESG-CV) grant and the MSHDA ESG-CV grant.  The local ESG-CV timelines and application process will be posted on May 8, 2020 on the CRHC website at

The CARES Act ESG-CV grants provide funding for public and non-profit agencies to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the needs of homeless populations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to mitigate impacts of the virus through Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Homelessness Prevention Assistance, and Rapid Re-Housing Assistance. Membership or active participation in the CRHC-CoC is required for all applicants. Interested agencies should submit an “Intent to Apply” by May 11, 2020 to Meaghan Redd at

Background information on this funding opportunity may be found at the MSHDA Website at:,4641,7-141-5515-241719–,00.html

Contact CRHC Coordinator, Meaghan Redd, with any questions at

Winter 2020 The reassignment of the Ending Family Homelessness Through Rapid Rehousing Grant is now closed. Attached is the Application Form and Instructions for the Ending Family Homelessness Through Rapid Rehousing Grant. This is a CoC grant through HUD to provide short-term rental assistance and case management to homeless families. Applications for this funding are due on Wednesday, 2/26, by 8am. Additional information regarding HUD’s expectations of program operation will follow shortly. Any questions may be directed to Katrina Urista at the City of Lansing HRCS Department at 517-483-4082. CRHC-Grant-Application-Reminder HUD-2018-NOFA MI0417L5F081805 (1)2018 CRHC Announcement of Funding Opportunity – 2 11 2020

The Capital Region Housing Collaborative (CRHC) announces its local competition for HUD homeless assistance services funding available under the CoC Program for FY 2020-21. This announcement is in follow up to the 2019 HUD NOFA Notice posted on the CRHC website on 7/8/18 and provides further information about the local collaborative application process for Project Applicants in the Ingham County geographic area.  The HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program (24 CFR part 578) is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness.

 Funding Available: Anticipated $2,438,388 is available for Renewal and Reallocation Projects. All project grants are for one year of funding with varying start dates. See the Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) on CRHC’s website for specific projects, grant amounts, and funding cycles.

Bonus Funding Available: Up to $123,925 Bonus funding will be available for new projects through the permanent housing bonus to: 1) create new permanent supportive housing projects that meet the 2) create new rapid re-housing projects 3) create Joint TH and PH-RRH projects as defined in the 2019 NOFA HUD will also make available funding for Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus projects minimally $50,000 up to $189,789, as described in 2019 NOFA. See the 2019 NOFA posted at the CRHC website for more details.

Project Application Deadline: Friday, August 26 at 12:00 noon  (EST)

CRHC application forms will be available on the CRHC website ( on August 15, 2019 and should be submitted to Matt Stevenson at Important informational documents, including the CRHC Application and 2019 NOFA are available on the CRHC website. Renewal, Reallocation and Bonus Projects are available for this application process see the CRHC website. Renewal projects are listed in the Grant Inventory Worksheet on CRHC’s website. New Applicants –are invited to all meetings including the optional Training and Resources and Informational Meetings sections at the Lansing City Hall 4th floor 124 W Michigan Ave August 21, 2019 2PM RSVP via email- Katrina.urista@lansing or call 517 483-4082.

CoC Program Priorities: The CRHC and HUD have established priorities. See Application form.

CoC Program Description: The CoC Program is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, States and local governments to quickly re-house the homeless while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by the homeless; and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness. The HUD priorities can be found in Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness and are discussed in Section II of the 2019 NOFA notice.  In summary, priorities are to end homelessness for all persons, create a systemic response to homelessness, strategically allocate and use resources, and use a Housing First approach.  2019 NOFA CoC Program Components to be funded in this Competition are: Permanent Housing, Transitional Housing, Supportive Services Only, HMIS and Joint TH and PH-RRH Component Project. (See 24 CFR 578.37 through 578.63 for descriptions and 2019 NOFA Section III. A. 3. h)

Training and Resources: Project applicants needing assistance in completing applications or understanding program requirements under the CoC program may access the CoC interim regulations (24 CFR part 578), training materials, and program resources via HUD Exchange’s web page at Applicants should review the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Continuum of Care Program Competition for FY 2019, the General Section of the NOFA,  the CoC Program interim rule (24 CFR part 578 published July 31, 2012 at 77 CFR 45422, and any related documents and webinars. Questions may be directed to HUD via or the HRCS or by calling 517-483-4477. People with hearing or speech impairments may use the Michigan Relay Service at 1-800-649-3777 or by dialing 7-1-1. Those with Limited English Proficiency may contact the Collaborative Applicant (City of Lansing) at (517) 483-4477 for access to local interpreters/translators.

Informational and other meetings: It is recommended for new and returning applicants to attend an Informational NOFA meeting on August 15rd at 11:00 am at City Rescue Mission Women and Children Center, 2216 S. Cedar St. in Lansing. Other important details on the CRHC NOFA Process, including timelines, are listed on the CRHC website. Check this page often for any updates, questions and answers and other information. Applicants will be notified, in writing, of the acceptance or rejection of their application, with an explanation of the decision, by August 28, 2019 to the email address provided with their CRHC Project Application.

Please note: To be eligible for this funding, organizations will need to agree to be active with the CRHC, demonstrate the capacity to manage a federal grant, have a valid DUNS (DATA Universal Numbering System) number and must complete or renew their registration in the System for Award Management (SAM) website. Go to for more information. Eligible project applicants are nonprofit organizations, States, local governments, and instrumentalities of State and local governments, and public housing agencies. For-profit entities are not eligible.